We are a small country side kennel located Eastern Posio, which is in Northern Finland near Russian border and we breed Siberian huskies and Saarlooswolfdogs.
My first Siberian husky came to my life in 2011 from kennel Jääsilmän and after that, we all know what happens when you take your first husky! During that time I didn’t know so much about lines in this gorgeous breed but I have learnt along the way about it. For me I find it funny as we all have that one breed standard but yet it seems that many ways to “read” it. I try to breed siberians according to breed standard and not with “lines”. Ideal husky for me is so called multipurpose which can work hard and same time achieve success inside the show rings. My first husky litter (litter A) were born 2013 and ever since I have been breeding. What comes for my breeding? I’m breeding litters when I want to have puppy from that litter. It’s like I don’t breed for fun or for money but if the combination is interesting for me then I can give it ago and that means that I want to keep at least one puppy from that litter either in our place or co-ownership with someone whom I can trust.
Now I can say we as me and my husband are keen to mushing with our dogs and we usually try to race on Mid Distance races and occasionally Sprint races. We don’t race for victory but only for fun and you can see lots of other crazy husky people there same as in dog shows. Ultimate goal for me is to participate Long Distance races with my own bred huskies someday but we’ll see when that dream is going to happen.

My first Saarloos (Nova) came to my life in 2012 from Kennel Wolfteam’s. Have to be honest that with this breed I started wrong. I just wanted a wolfdog which I could take to dog shows and didn’t studied the breed and breeders enough. I did study about differences between Saarloos and Czeslovakian Wolfdog. I even asked one CsV but later on realized that Saarloos is way better breed for me with “pack–fitting-temperament” as I can call it that.
I learnt lot of my first wolfdog and got to do much of renovation thanks to her as I used to live alone. And I can say that living in apartment with Saarloos isn’t the easiest thing in the world but lucky me Nova settled just fine (after 2 years thou) except that she was constantly hungry and I had to put locks on every cabinet door and on fridge. It’s way much easier to live dogs like Saarlooses in your own house with big yard and no near by neighbors.
We (again as me and my husband) go to the dog shows with our Saarlooses and do hiking in the forests and near by hills and so own. We also do mushing with these gorgeous dogs but not as regularly as with our huskies as sometimes Saarlooses attend to be very lazy. They do work 200% when we start but sometimes after 100m they are like “f*ck this I wanna go home”. Then we have tried tracking with some of them and they do pretty good, all thought if it’s a person who we are tracking the dogs point the direction from long where we could find the missing person. And what comes to a breeding Saarlooses it’s the same as with huskies. Interesting combination and so on…

We do have other animals than the dogs. Example two cats, goats, chickens and flock of sheep. Never know what other animals we’ll have in the future but those are “at the moment” animals in our “kennel”. Only bad thing in breeding, I have to say, is (this I heard from old time breeder) that if you want to continue breeding, you can’t keep everyone nor puppy from every litter. That’s why co-ownership is very handy in that matter!
I would like to say everyone who is considering either Siberian or Saarloos that please do research of breed and of course different breeders. Don’t do like I did with my first Saarloos (buy the first one who you find). I do love Nova of course but do your research and be cautious where to buy your dogs.
Don’t support puppy mills!