Oulu International Dog Show, 6.7.2024 Finland

Judge: Tapio Kakko (Finland)

Secundus Luciano Del Urlando Lupo

Excellent, 1st in class, CQ, BM1, CAC, CACIB, BOB -> FI CH!!!

Wolfinity’s Lucario

Junior Class

Very Good, 4th in class

Photo by DogXpress

Demidoff Patriot

Working Class

Very Good, 3rd in class

Photo by Leevi Halme

Torquemada’s Chinook Gust (left on the photo)

Junior Class

Excellent, 1st in class (out of 12)

Mydisa Hielan Tam O’Chanter (right on the photo)

Junior Class

Very Good, 3rd in class

Photo by Leevi Halme